Ptr. Jafet Narra
UBC Manila

Mark 6:30-44

What is a  great shepherd? A shepherd is someone who takes care of sheep. (Ezekiel 34)  explains how God is like a shepherd. A good shepherd gives special attention to any sheep that are weak or ill. He makes sure that the sheep have enough food and water. He defends them from wild animals and thieves. He leads his sheep (Psalm 23).

  • The heart of a shepherd
    • Provision for rest (vv.30-32)
    • Provision for truth (v.34)
    • Provision for food (vv.37-39)
    • Provision for healing (matt 14:14)
  • The response of the sheep
    • They need to spend much time with the shepherd (vv.30-33)
    • Trust your shepherd because he knows better (vv.35-36)
    • Come to his invitation (v.42)

Conclusion: Continue to hunger more of Jesus. Turn to Jesus, our true shepherd, the one who gives us living water and bread of life.

Vision: To see equipped members fulfilling the Great Commission.